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Supporting the

Proclamation of the Gospel 

As brothers and sisters in this community of faith, we can all support and participate in the proclamation of the Gospel through use of our time, talents and treasure. Keep checking back as we develop the ways in which we can show this support.

Support through Giving

There are several ways in which we can give:

  • Offering envelopes can be mailed to the church.

  • You may be able to arrange regular automatic payments with your bank. If you have online access you can probably arrange the payments that way, or you can call your bank. This option will not cost the church anything and is probably a free service to you.

  • You can give through PayPal. Click the button below. You can give through your personal PayPal account if you have one, or pay with a credit or debit card. You can choose to include a note, where you can indicate your church name and envelope number, and whether you wish to direct it to a specific purpose. 

  • If you are a member of Thrivent Financial you may be able to direct "Choice Dollars" to your church.

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